Our Course Offerings
- Ages 18 months to 30 months (15 toddlers in the class)
- All classes will have three teachers
The Toddler program is carried out in the Big Room on Monday mornings. The children are free to play, discover, make friends, and in many cases, learn to be without a parent for a short period of time.
Tuesday or Thursday mornings – $95/month
You have the option to sign up for 1 toddler class or both Tues and Thurs am
Full Day Program
- Ages 30 months and older (16 children per class)
- All classes will have two teachers
Our full day program is designed and geared toward those children that are approaching the kindergarten age. The program’s schedule will combine our morning and afternoon programs, include snack time, outdoor activity time a minimum of twice a day (weather permitting), and a nutritious lunch will be provided.
Monday & Wednesday – $405/month
Afternoon Program
- Ages 30 months and older (16 children per class, limited spots)
- All classes will have two teacher
The following daily schedule is followed consistently:
- Students enjoy playtime in the Big Room where the emphasis is on gross motor skills (large muscle development), imaginative play, music and social time.
- Children are responsible for helping tidy up. Children gather at circle time for songs, stories and games.
- Activity centers are offered in the Creative Room including sensory, art, science and cognitive/manipulative play with an emphasis on developing a child’s fine motor skills.
- Children gather, seated with the teacher, for snack time (provided by the pre-school in all classes). Snack offers a lovely social interactive time where children are encouraged to practice manners, speaking in turn, and listening to others.
- Playground time is offered daily, weather permitting.
Tuesday and Thursday PM – $215/mth
Friday Kindergarten Prep Full Day
- Children born in 2021 or entering Kindergarten in Fall 2025
- All classes will have two teachers
This program will be designed to help preschool aged children develop and practice skills that will help prepare them for kindergarten. Physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development are all essential ingredients of school readiness. The program will be designed to help children acquire the skills necessary, while creating a sense of belonging, for Junior Kindergarten. The program will provide opportunities to develop independence, turn taking, sitting for team meetings and learning time, following instructions, and positive peer interactions. The Readiness Program will be offered to children who are entering Junior Kindergarten in September of 2025.
Friday – $210/month

Tuesday/Thursday AM
Full Day
Monday / Wednesday
Half Day
Tues / Thurs PM
Kindie Prep
Other Fees Schedule
Payout, Non-Participation
20 hours (average) of committee activity required throughout the year. You may payout of a committee but not Spaghetti supper.
Registration Fee, Non-Refundable
Per immediate family. Fee may be waived under circumstance & board approval.
Non-Participation Penalty
Individuals who opt in for committee activity, but fail to participate are required to pay penalty. Also applies when there isn’t significant participation in the spaghetti supper fundraiser.
For any bounce cheques.